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Play like a Pro with Dennis Awe
Keyboard University Classes I, II, III on DVD'S for
50% OFF !
Keyboard University Semester I
Keyboard University Semester II
Keyboard University Semester III

Announcing an absolutely wonderful unbelievable discounted opportunity to be able to play your Lowrey instrument and sound unbelievably magnificent and to do it so absolutely easy. Learn the great styling techniques of the greatest of the greatest in minutes — not days, months or years —IN MINUTES. Don’t miss out and now for your great opportunity!
NOW you can Save over 50% on the magnificent
Keyboard University Organ Styling Seminar series created by Dennis Awe.
If you or a family member has served in the United States Military you now can qualify for over a 50% discount on all Keyboard University’s tremendously successful organ styling Semesters on playing the organ and sounding like a truly gifted professional. This fabulous program is easy to do and is for all levels of players. This unique program of learning can instantly super enhance how you sound!
You will receive all the professionally produced Keyboard University DVDs seminar lessons that you will actually see, hear and understand all these magnificent easy to do keyboard stylings. You will also receive all the custom created music arrangements and instructional material. All in easy to read music. You will live your dream of sounding professional.
As a SUPER Bonus you will receive a FREE USB that has ALL the great custom edited sound registrations and exclusively enhanced orchestral accompaniment backgrounds for every song in each lesson!!! (A $159.00 value FREE!)
This is a dream come true for all Organ players, especially Lowrey Organ owners!!!
Act now and save 50%.(regular price $399)
Each semester comes complete with:
ALL custom arranged music
ALL the Video Lessons on DVD's for the semester
ALL instructional information
Plus a custom edited USB
ALL FOR $199.00
If you would like to see everything that is contained in each seminar please click on Table of Contents for each semester
Semester I Semester II Semester III
Don’t miss out on this unbelievable discounted price!!!
Purchase Dennis Awe's Keyboard University Classes on DVD's in our shop!
You are going to LOVE your Keyboard University Lessons! We have Keyboard University Class I, II, III
available for the first time on DVD!
What I am teaching is excellent for ALL LEVELS
of playing! You can watch the classes at your convivence on your device on your time!
What is next.... Dennis Awe will be giving One on One PRIVATE LESSONS coming soon!
Just click here: Thanks for the Memories
Visit my NEW page called "Thanks for the Memories" today it features:
FREE Videos
FREE Music
USB & DVD Opportunity
and more!
When you purchase the DVD you will ALWAYS have it ! They are FUN, FULL of years of knowledge that only Dennis can teach and what he has learned on his
incredible musical journey.
You can PURCHASE all 3 Semester on DVD's in our SHOP here.
Sincerely, Dennis Awe
Greetings Everyone,
This is for Keyboard University participants, L.I .F.E. Members & my DennisAwe.Com students.
I want to share with you all the latest Keyboard University news & I hope you find it great news for you, too!
As a follower of Keyboard University, / L.I.F.E. / DennisAwe.Com & DennisAwesKeyboardUniversity.com you are automatically grandfathered in to take advantage of my NEW super discounted prices. This holds true on all existing USB libraries.
Once COVID hit, traveling for me became a thing of the past. A true blessing was more family time!!! Having more time I started on what turned out to be a huge & costly, fantastic musical project.
First & foremost Bil Curry & the Lowrey engineers built into all the USB models the ability to edit (enhance) every sound that was built in. On almost every orchestral instrument professional players create the speed of the vibrato, the attack & decay (how fast or slow the note is initially played) the octave ( high, medium or low) among many other styling effects. As an example, the sound of Guy Lombardo’s orchestra sounded totally ‘different then the Glenn Miller orchestra and Glenn’s orchestra sounded different than another big band YET they all had the same exact & identical number of instruments. Sooooooo with the editing capabilities on ALL Lowrey products from the year 2000 on, almost every musical instrument can be perfectly duplicated PROVIDED you spend the time & have the advanced technology of today available to you . For really true duplications it requires a lot of time & utilizing the expensive technology that is a must have for true perfection.
For my concerts & recordings I wanted the most amazing sounds that one instrument could make. I wanted to duplicate a 5 manual Wurlitzer theatre organ to perfection. Both as a solo instrument & also as playing with a full orchestra like at The Radio City Music Hall plus the most beautiful & impressive sounds from America’s greatest theatre organs as they sounded in their respective theaters.
Another dream was to duplicate the beautiful & majestic church organ sounds like you hear at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral & the church organ at West Point.
I am proud to announce I am re-releasing the Mighty Theatre Organ Master USB Library that has over 500 absolutely fabulous custom edited theatre organ sounds . If you love the full rich magnificent theater organ sounds you’ll be absolutely thrilled how impressive your Lowrey Organ will sound. They will work perfectly on every Lowrey model that has a USB input.
Also being re-released is the Big Band Bonanza. This fabulous library of the big band sounds contains over 20 sets of custom registrations utilizing over 800 custom edited sounds. All the great and famous Big Bands are here. Select the big band of your choice and you can play any style of music on your Lowrey and total perfection is yours. Also included are song suggestions for all 20 big bands.
Both the Mighty Theatre organ and Big Band libraries are reduced over from their original release of $229.00 and now are only $119.00 each.
Dennis Awe